Our Work to Counter COVID-19 Misinformation
COVID-19 has undoubtedly affected everyone's lives. As the pandemic spread, the term misinformation pandemic became almost as popular. With bad actors either purposely trying to mislead the public, or misconceptions becoming viral; we felt it was necessary to put information as accurately as we could to inform readers and viewers and do our bit to counter any falsehood.
Here you will find a collection of all our work relating to COVID-19.

COVID-19 has brought the best and worst out of us. Unfortunately, the worst prevails
This article is an overview of the most harmful during the pandemic. Written in June of 2020, at the height of the pandemic in the United Kingdom, this reflection looks at three most vocal groups during 2020: 5G conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and populists.
While over a year old, most of the principles still apply now, late into the pandemic and within its closing stages. 5G conspiracy theorists may not be as vocal as they once were, but the vaccine misinformation and leaders who are diminishing efforts to appeal to their base continue to be rampant around the world.

Interview with WHO Doctors
In 2020, we heavily delved into conspiracy theories because, false information spreads a lot faster than factual information.
The biggest conspiracy at the time were surrounding facemasks, so we were able to reach out and interview Dr Amy Price and Dr Larry Chu, researchers who helped develop the facemask guidelines that the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended.

Quarantine Quality
We created the Quarantine Quality podcast to gain insight into different aspects of life in lockdown, caused by the pandemic.
In Season 1 we interviewed a NASA scientist, a Travel writer, and University students who have all been affected in different ways.
Season 2 focuses on the political turbulence generated the preventive measures and its effects on people.

Lockdown in Spain began with mandatory mask-wearing, rubber gloves and a draconian police force handing out fines like a parent offering jelly babies to children at a birthday party.

In addition to the Quarantine Quality podcast, we also created the COVID-Copecast. A news-focused podcast talking about current events.
Such as the time the UK Government was not able to log positive test results due to maxing out an Excel sheet.

Learning more about Conspiracy Theories
Following on our style, we conducted a series of interviews to understand the social conditions where people might be more attracted to conspiracy theories.