Spain, Free Speech & Yellow Ribbons

The divide between the Spanish and Catalan nationalists reached its peak. Small towns across Catalonia feel tired of the situation and feel a drastic change is needed; both, in favor and against independence.
This exclusive documentary delves into Catalan independence from the day-to-day life of residents and how freedom of speech has been affected during this secessionist movement.
Relations between Catalonia, a north-eastern region in Spain, and the Spanish Government have deteriorated since the deemed-illegal independence referendum on the 1st October 2017.
As the situation becomes tenser with more protests demanding both, negotiation with the Catalan Government and, in contrast, tougher action against it; as well as emotion-driven political arguments, political discourse rejecting and discrediting Catalan nationalism is being reflected in Spanish national media (including Catalan media) and that debate is also being reflected among residents of Spanish towns.